10 Article Ideas for Your Blog or Website

Fuel your content
Fuel your content

So you have a website. Ten years ago, even five years ago, it was perfectly acceptable to have a static website that sat there and did nothing but occupy space.

Times have changed. Websites are filled with content, they’re interactive–they engage readers, build communities, introduce your company, educate prospects, engage prospects, establish credibility…need I go on? Today, businesses have a myriad of tactics and tools available to allow them to turn their website into their marketing and relationship building hub. All of it hinges on quality content.

Marketing with content is a hot topic. Of marketers surveyed by Target Marketing magazine, only 15 percent of marketers said they don’t really do content marketing. This translates to roughly 15 percent of all current marketers who are on their way to becoming irrelevant. Quality content on a website has replaced the brochure. Its absence breeds suspicion.

But it’s so hard to keep a website fueled with fresh, quality content! Right?

Here is a list of ten different types of articles you can write to keep your content production churning. These suggestions work for articles and blogs which tend to be less formal than an article.

Before diving into the list here’s a small note on blogs. Blogs are a rapidly growing content marketing tool. In early 2008 Technorati calculated there were 112.8 million blogs in existence (not counting China). The blogosphere still hasn’t matured and neither has their capacity to fuel business. I’ll save describing the value of a blog for another day.

Remember, blogs and article campaigns require perserverence. You can’t simply write a few and be done. Topics change and become outdated, businesses evolve, prospects’ needs change but keep this list handy to help you fulfill your commitment to a content strategy.

  1. How-to. This is straightforward advice on how to do something. How to write killer copy. How to plant a sustainable garden. The pain-free guide to saving for retirement.
  2. Resource Guide. Is there a collection of resources you can recommend to your customers? Have you run across anything you’d like to pass along to your prospects? It can be a collection of websites, publications, or list of tools.
  3. Book List.This is simply a recommended reading list. Make sure the books are relevant to your business and appropriate for your customers. Explain why you’re recommending each book.
  4. Book Review. Pretty self-explanatory. Again, make sure it’s relevant to your industry and readers.
  5. Interview. Is there an expert in the field who can contribute an interesting perspective or approach to their activities as it pertains to a facet of your industry?
  6. Personal Narrative or Story. Interview someone regarding their personal story on a particular but relevant topic. You don’t need a celebrity, someone with an interesting story can bring a much needed human element to a subject. You can turn success stories into the personal narrative by emphasizing lessons learned.
  7. Explanation. This is the quintessential education article. Think of it as a 101 article. Industrial optics 101. Sales 101. Personal risk 101. Basket-weaving 101.
  8. Opinion. You have one. Share it. (This is better suited for a blog.)
  9. Top Lists. Use this list to highlight top trends or the most popular widgets in just about anything. It can be any list. I just wrote one for Spice Sherpa called “20 Flavors for Cardamom.” This article is a list. You can use the list format to address your ideal prospects. Top 10 Most Overlooked Insurance Risks for Retirees. Top 5 Online Medical Sites for Women.
  10. Q & A. Are you getting a lot of repeat questions in your business? Turn them into individual article or blog post. Ask the question, then provide an in-depth, helpful answer.

Photo Attribution: futureatlas.com/blog/

K. Marley is a professional content writer who helps businesses communicate their value to their prospects and customers. Make contact at http://www.kmwordsmith.com.

Originally published on: Jun 30, 2010

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